"The greatest real estate on any golf course is the six inches between your ears" — Bobby Jones

STOP! - Forget Everything You’ve Heard About Getting Better at Golf …
Is It Really Possible to Go from Shooting 110 to Playing Scratch Golf Like I Did Using These Highly Unusual (Some Would Call Crazy) "Whole Brain" Techniques? ...

... and Do It Ambidextrously?
YES.  It’s true.  Backed by the latest brain research, this revolutionary approach forces you to unleash ‘the golfing savant within’ — exploding your drives 300+ yards . . . naturally  . . . straight as an arrow . . . and without the ill-fitting advice from all the so-called ‘swing gurus’
From: Michael J. Lavery
Founder, Whole Brain Golfer

Dear Fellow Golfer,

If you're frustrated with your golf game, or if you feel you've "hit the wall," then I have a little-known, "outside the box" game-changer that delivers stunning results for anyone who tries it.

Warning: What I'm about to show you may sound like science fiction, but it's actually cutting edge science from the new millennium.  And it can accelerate your golf game in ways that will absolutely astound you.

By the time you finish reading this letter, you not only will understand WHY your golf game feels stuck (or is going sideways), but you'll know exactly HOW to play pretty much as well as you want – even if that doesn't feel possible right now.

First of all, I want you to drop any preconceived notion you have about any sort of talent "ceiling" you may think you have. I also want you to put aside whatever image you may have of "the perfect swing" . . . or "the right swing" . . . or what you "should" be doing.
You'll soon see that there are almost NO limits to what you can do on the golf course. And I say that from a realistic — even scientific — perspective, not as some empty, rah-rah platitude.
First, I want to warn you: This is somewhat of a long letter, because I want you to have all the information you need to really understand what these remarkable discoveries can do for you. If I could tell you in a single page, believe me, I would.

I’ll make this promise to you, however:  What I’m about to share in this letter is nothing short of fascinating. What’s more, reading it could represent a complete revolution in your golf game (and even your life, if I might say so), and will be well worth the few minutes it will take.
How can I make such bold promises?  Simple ...
I have developed a series of three straightforward training drills that allow you (no matter how bad you think your game is right now) to instantly unlock the "golfing genius" that already resides within you.
This means you will soon be able to ...
  • Crush your drives with an added 40 to 50 yards of pure, accurate extra distance …
  • Shave 10 or more strokes off your game ...
  • Hit nearly all your fairways and greens in regulation (giving you 10 or more birdie opportunities per round)
  • And more ...
The best part is, you don’t need to mess with your swing.

I happen to have a wide stance, short back swing and an unusual release that most so-called swing gurus would call butt-ugly, and yet I regularly crush drives 350 yards, splitting the fairway down the middle.

I don’t care about being pretty.  I care about my ball sitting pretty in the middle of the fairway, and then reaching for a wedge because that’s all I need for my approach shot and, well, if it makes me look like a stud because I’m out-driving my playing partners by 40 yards every time, then that’s just fine with me, too.
Okay, tell me if this isn’t a little weird …
What if I told you that you could accomplish all this...

...without even touching a golf club!

I know, crazy, right?

Well, you have no idea . . .

My name is Michael J. Lavery (aka “The Hammer Man” – you’ll see why in a second).

Before I started showing golfers like yourself how to shave strokes off their game and drive the ball further then they thought possible, I got famous for some strange things.

Here’s what happened . . .

Years ago, I found out that scientists all over the world had quietly been making mind-blowing discoveries about the human brain that have completely transformed our view about what is possible in terms of physical and mental achievement.

And then I spent nearly 20 years applying those newfound breakthroughs in some astonishing ways:

For example, I taught myself eye-popping feats of hand-eye coordination, including bouncing a golf ball off the rounded edge of a ball peen hammer a world record 394 times without a miss.

I even made it to the David Letterman show.  Check this out …
Here I am on Late Night with David Letterman:
A funny thing happened before I went on stage
in front of America that night ...
No one in the audience knew this at the time, but Dave actually had everyone on his staff try bouncing a golf ball with a hammer earlier in the day just to see if anyone could do it.

No one could.   That’s why you can hear Dave himself in the video kept saying, “Can’t be done.  Can’t be done.”

Which is why the crowd erupted in applause when I proved him wrong — it certainly looks like a difficult feat.

But at the risk of “pulling back the curtain” and upstaging myself, let me tell you that anyone can do that trick with a little practice.  It’s actually not a “trick” at all, but a reliable result of training your brain in ways that I’m about to show you.

Let me say that again, in different words:
Every feat that may seem impossible to you now — whether it’s bouncing a golf ball off the tiny head of a claw hammer or booming 320-yard drives on your way to shaving a dozen strokes off your game — is not only possible for you today ...

... but becomes predictably inevitable when you train your brain the right way.
I have a method of teaching that lets others duplicate these feats and more, such as training your brain to make such dead solid perfect impact with the golf ball that you will laugh with amazement the first time you swing your driver and see your ball disappear into an absurd distance you have never experienced before.
“That’s IT!” you’ll cry.

You see, bouncing certain balls off mallets and hammers, when combined with other brain-enhancing activities I’ve devised, not only increases ambidexterity, but also:
  • Rewires the brain to enable “super learning,” meaning you will swing with more power and touch naturally, without struggling to learn complicated new swing theories others are trying to force upon you.
  • Awakens previously dormant regions of the brain, which opens the floodgates of untapped natural physical ability already residing within you.
  • Greatly increases hand and forearm strength, increasing your club head speed without you having to swing “out of your shoes.”
  • Triggers naturally occurring hormones and neuro-chemicals that will elevate your mood and sharpen your focus.  (This scientifically documented process also brings on an entire suite of health benefits, such as naturally increased testosterone levels.  More on that in a minute.)
  • Skyrockets your memory skills and increases your ability to speak more articulately.  (If you’re middle aged or older, this means no more stumbling for that elusive word on the tip of your tongue or forgetting how many strokes you’re laying as you walk to the green.)
  • Balances both hemispheres of your brain so that your two hands can “talk to each other” as you swing the club.  This is especially crucial in golf, perhaps the sport most dependent on the ability of both hands to perform in concert perfectly.
  • And more ...
How A ‘Fool Stunt’ Landed Me on ESPN’s
"Top Ten Plays of the Day" ...

(...And Why My First Golf Teacher Finally Swallowed
His Pride and Began Asking ME for Golf Advice)
Before I tell you why playing golf can be so difficult (it’s not what you think) — and what you can do about it — let me tell you the fascinating story of how I discovered these radically effective concepts.

Before a major newspaper called me a “modern day prophet on brain power,” I was something of an unlikely Renaissance Man ...

I graduated from Amherst with a Fine Arts degree, and then briefly played minor league baseball for the Toronto Blue Jays.

If that sounds like an unlikely combination, well, welcome to my life ...

My breakthrough discoveries in golf began with a tennis racket, strangely enough.

Back in the 1980s, I was a very good tournament player but I was frustrated because opponents could exploit my relatively weak backhand.

One day, while playing a casual match against my practice partner, I chased a ball hit wide to my backhand side.  In desperation, and without really thinking about it, I unconsciously threw my racket over to my other hand and hit a left-handed

forehand winner down the line. My opponent stood in shock.  He couldn’t have been more surprised if I had snapped my fingers and turned into a leprechaun.

And then I had a crazy idea: Why not ditch the backhand and learn how to hit a left-handed forehand all the time instead?

In other words, play with either hand ... ambidextrously!
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had just stumbled upon 
one of the greatest keys to unlocking athletic genius
This did not happen overnight.  In fact, it took some real effort, because it turned out that ambidexterity alone was not enough to completely transform my game.

Of course, everyone thought I was crazy.  More than a few people laughed or dismissed my efforts when they saw how much I struggled to hit the tennis ball cleanly at first with my left hand.

Then one day a resident neurosurgeon I happened to know watched me play and said:

“Do you realize that you are rewiring your motor cortex?”

He knew me only as a right-handed player, and now he could see my metamorphosis.

He told me about an emerging field of brain science called neuroplasticity, which basically is the brain’s ability to rewire itself in unforeseen – miraculous, even – ways.

He spoke of my basal ganglia firing bilaterally.  He gave me a crash course on dopamine.  He told me how I was thickening the myelin of my axons.  And he suggested I study the properties of pyramidal cells, steroidogenesis and something called the homunculus theory.

Now I was on fire to learn everything I could about brain plasticity.  I buried myself in medical textbooks and the latest brain research because I could feel something happening in my brain, although at the time I didn’t fully understand why.  And I realized I was never going back to my former self.

Here’s all you need to know right now:  It turns out the brain is not the inflexible, hard-wired machine that doctors had assumed for centuries.  The reality is that the brain will literally remap itself to adapt stiff challenges such as playing golf if you train it the right way.

I then devised a simple but ingenious program that incorporated three types of comprehensive “brain training” that were proven to grow and maximize key regions of the brain associated with developing complex skills.
And then, just a few short weeks after I began using my new found program, it suddenly – and shockingly – happened ...
Not long after I began a simple series drills based on the scientific principles I’ve described here, I noticed that not only was my left-handed tennis game improving, but my right-handed shot-making was going through the roof!

In other words, both sides of my brain were now teaching each other.  (CLUE!!)

I began serving left-handed aces. Crushing left-handed winners.  I began dominating other tennis players who used to beat me regularly.

A tournament player whom I’d played against hundreds of times over the years and had dominated me told a newspaper reporter this when asked about my transformation:

“The flood gate opened,” Rushing told the Orange County Register. “It was like the birth of a new player. He’d beat me, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, 6-1, 6-0.”

Can you imagine how great it felt to blast forehand winners with my left hand when my opponents were expecting me to hit a routine backhand?

I’ll be honest – it felt crazy good!

Now it was time to put up or shut up: Would these techniques work for the most difficult game ever invented, golf?
I knew I was onto something, so I asked myself: If these techniques worked in tennis, would they work in a sport I didn’t play?
Everyone said no.  So I took up left-handed golf.

At 43 years old, I was still a raw beginner at the game.   But I was buoyed by my new discoveries.

I started playing a lot of golf with my good friend Rolly White.  As my first informal golf teacher, he took me around the course and I would shoot scores around 110.

One day, after finally breaking 100, I said to him over lunch, “I really think it is possible for me to become a scratch golfer.”

He let out a loud laugh and said, “Michael, I’ve been playing for 30 years and my handicap is 15.  You’ve been playing for four months and you think you have a shot at playing scratch golf?”

I shrugged my shoulders and just smiled.  And then I got to work.

I started by mimicking Tiger Woods in his famous Nike commercial by learning to bounce a golf ball on the face of a sand wedge – hundreds of times per day.

This was more than a cool parlor trick – I was rewiring my brain to develop superior hand-eye coordination, build hand strength, and unleash a torrent of natural, skill-enhancing brain chemicals.

Then I tried bouncing a golf ball with a hammer.  That led to using a hammer in each hand.  Which led to bouncing golf balls off the rounded end of a ball peen hammer (394 consecutive times if you can believe it!), and then finally to using sledgehammers.

People who once snickered behind my back when they saw me bring two sets of golf clubs to the range now began to take notice.  Southland Golf magazine featured me in an article and described my skills this way:

… But Lavery’s skill with a golf ball and club — he can hit a ball more than 350 yards from the left and right side and can also execute an array of trick shots, such as driving the ball with an upside down 3-wood —  is more than a novelty. He’s convinced that he’s found a better way to learn, practice and play the game through his 20-year study of hand-eye coordination.”

— Southland Golf magazine
I got so good that the Stanley Tool Company asked me if they could use me in one of their promotions. I even made ESPN’s “Top 10 Plays of the Day” when I recorded 3,293 consecutive hits with a Stanley 16 claw hammer.

That led to my appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman.”  Now that was a rush, but nothing would compare to the satisfaction of knowing that I had found a system that allowed me to master any skill I chose – all with a host of side benefits and health benefits that confirmed what I knew all along.
Here’s Why Golf Is So Damn Difficult — and Why It Becomes EASY When You Begin Training Yourself In the One Critical Area That Every Other Golf Pro Ignores …
Let’s face it, golf is the most difficult game ever invented.  I’m not just talking about the physical requirements, which are considerable.  I’m also referring to the fact that golf requires so much more “whole brain powered” skill than any other sport in the world.

For one thing, golf demands incredible dexterity from both hands.  It literally requires the two brain hemispheres to work in synchronicity to send repeatable subconscious movements to the entire body to produce golf shots ranging from hundreds of yards to just a few feet.

This unique requirement of power and finesse makes golf extremely difficult, but that’s not all.

It also requires sharp focus for hours at a time, elevated levels of spatial intelligence and hand-eye coordination so precise that even the slightest mistakes result in god-awful slices, hooks and shanks.
My point is this:  If you have ever taken lessons or tried “systems” that promised “simple” or “easy” solutions, then you already know that there is no such thing as a magic pill.

However, that’s only true because it turns out that trying to “fix” your swing doesn’t address the real problem!
How many times have you heard that “Golf is 90 percent mental”?  No less than Bobby Jones once said that “the greatest real estate on any golf course is the six inches between your ears.”

So if that’s the case, then why do so many methods of instruction focus almost exclusively on the physical and technical aspects of the golf swing?

Look, you already have something infinitely more valuable than any club in your bag: your brain.

And let me be clear: I am not talking about “thinking positive,” “going with the flow,” or any other new age nonsense disguised as meaningful instruction.  Nor am I talking about “being the ball” or “playing within yourself.”

I’m talking about simple scientific facts that have now been validated by world-class brain researchers all over the globe.

If I could just explain it all to you, I would right here.  But you have to SEE and FEEL these secrets in action for yourself to truly experience them.

That’s why I’ve created a short series of drills that will give you tangible results in just days.

Notice that I didn't say "overnight."  If you're looking for a "magic pill" solution that will transform your golf game overnight with an "amazing swing tip," then I wish you luck.

Because everyone is different, no single swing works for every golfer.  And that's why swing tips are like the "bright shiny object syndrome" in the golf world. You keep reaching for the another one … and another one … and another one, etc.

Meanwhile, your game isn't improving.  And you want to know why? 

Because your brain hasn't changed.  But when you begin super-charging your brain with my drills, you will hit the ball harder and cleaner than ever before.  And the increased "feel" you'll get with your putter and iron play will astonish you.

You only need a short time each day to complete the drills.  Once you do them, you’ll have fundamentally improved your golf game without ever having to mess with your swing.

I know that sounds crazy.   But you simply have to experience the results for yourself to believe them.

You can try this RISK-FREE, of course.  You know our policy here at WBG has always been NO RISK with a complete, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee of your satisfaction.  If you are not happy, for any reason (or for no reason at all) with your results after trying the program, just use the contact information located in the product and you’ll get a prompt, cheerful refund.  And we’ll still be friends.

That’s the only way I ever want to do business.  It’s the way I wish other companies treated ME.

No risk.  No nonsense.  No B.S. at all.

I guarantee your success, by the way, with a 100% FULL YEAR money back guarantee.
To order this package now, click here or keep reading for more details ...
What Score Would You Like to Shoot Tomorrow?
How Far Would You Like to Hit Your Drives?
I went from never breaking 100 to playing scratch golf in a relatively short amount of time.  The most shocking part is, I didn’t even take up golf until I was in my 40s!  That alone should be extremely encouraging to anyone who thinks they are doomed if they don’t start at a young age.

Can you do the same?  That’s impossible for me to say.  What I CAN tell you is this:

When you put into practice the simple three-step process I have designed, you will see your game absolutely transform itself naturally, whether that’s driving the ball 40 to 50 yards farther off the tee, shaving 10 or more strokes off your handicap, or whatever else you define as amazing improvement.

I would say within ten days to two weeks I was hitting my drives at least 20 yards further. The way that I know that is that on the course that I play there are some par fives that I hadn’t hit in two and at least ten years, maybe even longer. Now, I'm hitting driver in short rescue into par fives. I was like whoa!  I would directly attribute it to Whole Brain Power, 100 percent.

—Brad Dougdale

    Within the first three weeks my swing speed changed from 95 miles per hour to about 115 miles per hour. That is 20 miles per hour. I was amazed by that.

    —Michael Glauser
    Here’s how my “whole brain” method of golf training will skyrocket your golf game to the next level and beyond

    Introducing . . .
    The Complete Whole Brain Golfer
    202-page Manual with 2.5 Hours of Audio Content
    My golf instruction course is called “Whole Brain Golfer”
for one simple reason – it engages your entire brain 
to dramatically increase your ability
to strike the golf ball with more power and accuracy
    Or keep reading to see my bonus gifts . . .
    Here Are Two Bonus Gifts
    I'm Including in This Package
    to Maximize Your Golfing Progress . . .

    BONUS No. 1
    My groundbreaking ebook, "Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body"   (PDF ebook version, 304 pages)

    This is the book that started it all for me.  You’ll read my complete story, which reads like a page-turning novel at times. 

    This book also contains a clear, understandable explanation of the latest brain science that is the foundation of Whole Brain Golf, plus  you'll get specific instructions on how to implement my radically transformative three-pronged system to improving your physical and mental function so that you can play the best golf of your life (no matter what your age).

    You’ll also meet some of my most successful students: a varied group that includes everyone from professional athletes to a 91-year-old practitioner who credits my program with helping keep him young and athletic.  

    You’ll hear their stories, and you’ll be inspired by their real-world results.

    Finally, you’ll get my nutritional guidelines for maintaining proper brain health so that you will have all the energy to practice as much as you want.

    BONUS No. 2

    My 90-Day Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal" (PDF ebook version, 252 pages)

    This workbook takes my entire program and distills it into a 90-day “paint by numbers” system.

    You know what I hate?  I hate when I am given a book of powerful ideas . . . but then I’m not shown precisely how to implement them!

    I won’t let that happen to you.  In short, I created this workbook because these concepts mean nothing if you don’t put them into practice. 

    All you have to do is turn the page to Day 1 and follow the simple directions.  

    Some of my students have told me this is far more valuable than the book itself! 

    Why?  Because it’s as if I am your personal coach, taking you by the hand and telling you, “Okay, now do this.  Great.  Now do this . . .”  

    Many products like to claim they have "step by step" instructions.  This one really does!  This manual is laid out brilliantly and is a true “step-by-step” system that will chart your progress in a fun, "I-Can't-Wait-To-Do-It!" fashion.

    Having this manual is like having me as your personal coach, taking you by the hand and telling you, “Okay, now do this.  Great.  Now do this . . .”  

    Many products like to claim they have "step by step" instructions.  This one really does! 

    The Ultimate Cure for the Aging Golfer?
    Whole Brain Golfer is the result of more than 20 years of intense study and applied research into brain functioning, chemistry and development.

    Here’s why most aging golfers gradually get worse over time instead of better (and how to reverse that immediately):

    Conventional wisdom says that age works against golfers.  And yet my golf game continues to improve in my 50s.  How is this possible?

    Well, consider the fact that as we age our reaction time and swing speed slows.  We also begin to lose muscle mass, bone density, and ligament elasticity.

    We begin to have eyesight problems and our fine motor controls deteriorate too.

    However, much of these problems are directly correlated to the brain losing its mass and its ability to regulate its production of proteins, neurotransmitters and the endocrine system, which regulates hormone production.

    When you follow my program, you trigger a process known as steroidogenesis, which is a biological process by which steroids are generated from cholesterol and transformed into other steroids.

    Can my Whole Brain Golfer program really give you more strength without lifting weights?  Well, see this picture to the right?  That’s me with a 10-pound sledgehammer, fully extended with one arm — try it sometime (but careful; don't get hurt!)

    When you begin training previously neglected parts of your brain the correct way, certain key regions of the brain literally remap themselves with new capabilities that inspire genius and talent beyond expectation.

    Think of it this way: The right hemisphere, or the “creative side,” is a largely untapped resource for the vast majority of the world.

    But not for you.  Not anymore. 
    Here are just a few others who have
    benefited from my system . . . 
    I helped a 23-year-old man win a $20,000 chess tournament.
    I regularly consult with Pat Venditte, Sr, the architect of the ambidexterity pitching movement in baseball today. His son Pat Jr. is the first full-time switch pitcher in major league history (Oakland Athletics.) 
    I helped Chuck Mellick, another ambidextrous pitcher who worked toward becoming the only man in history to be able to pitch more than 90 mph with either hand.
    I’ve trained everyone from business professionals aiming to break sales goals to senior citizens looking for increased mobility and sharper mental focus.
    But it’s with golf that my program receives some of its most exciting results.

    Listen to Rolly White, my first golf teacher, describe how his golf game has changed transformed while using my Whole Brain Power system:

    I can honestly say that at this point in my life I have never felt better.  I am playing the best golf, tennis and softball of my life.  The fact that I have recently posted four rounds of golf in the 70s should be testament enough to the effects of Whole Brain Power working miracles in my life.
    . . . (Also), I am so much sharper in my recall of technical data, and I believe it gives me an edge in my business meetings.  I do not have to refer to my notes nearly as much as I used to."

    —Rolly White
    Here what else you’ll get when you begin applying the concepts of Whole Brain Golfer, even if you only have a few minutes each day:
    • Learn a putting technique that gives your ball reliable topspin, increased “true” traction and eliminates the “jump” that sometimes derails your putts.
    • Eliminate the “yips” no matter how old you are.
    • Discover why back pain doesn’t have to curtail your golf game — and might actually reinvent it.
    • Find out why you may be wasting hours at the driving range and should instead use a time-effective practice strategy used by Vijay Singh.
    • Are you in the 80 percent of dedicated golfers who never reach a handicap under 18?  Then discover why handicap averages are not improving despite advanced club technology.
    • How to remedy any slice with my “baby method” of hitting golf balls ridiculously short distances.  (This technique is so simple and effective that you’ll slap your forehead and wonder why you didn’t think of it first!)
    • How a long-drive champion gave me advice that worked wonders — until it left me bed-ridden with back problems.   Read this one story and you’ll never have to repeat my mistake.
    • What a baseball pitcher can teach you about proper weight transfer, using “ground forces” and how the right rotational forces can enable you to rockets soaring drives with a short, back-friendly backswing.
    • Learn why unconventional isn’t necessarily ugly when it comes to golf swings.  (When you see — and learn from — the list of legendary players who succeeded wildly with “strange” swings you’ll understand why “the middle of the fairway gets to be a lonely place.”)
    • Discover the one thing that 85% of golfers do just before impact that ruins optimal ball flight dynamics.  Could this be why most all golfers slice?  (Hint: Even Mark O’Meara had this problem until Hank Haney helped him cure it.)
    • Know the crucial difference between being a swinger and a hitter.  (Which one are you?)
    • Learn how science has now completely exposed the myth of so-called “natural talent.”  This is so exciting you may lose sleep after reading it.
    • How to use “gesture preparation” and “thought activity” to envision and then produce perfect shots.
    • Discover how to instantly quiet your brain when it starts to chatter about all of the individual parts of the swing.  (This is a bigger culprit than you know, believe me.)
    • How to hit LONG even if you have a bad back.
    • Why many of my students report increased feelings of well-being while doing the program, along with a host of other health benefits, such as increased testosterone levels, enhanced memory, sharper articulation skills and many other anti-aging benefits.
    Whole Brain Golfer is a multi-media program that will ignite all the physical and mental abilities you need to master the most difficult game ever invented, golf.
    Try It Risk-Free for ONE FULL YEAR!
    Here's My "One Year, No B.S., Better-Than-100% Guarantee"
    Let me take away all the risk for you.  Because this system is so unique and so effective for anyone who tries it, I am backing up your purchase with an unusual (some would call crazy) guarantee.

    Here’s my personal guarantee:

    Just get the materials and try them out for 90 days.  The downloadable Workbook & Journal make this easy.  If you follow the system for 90 days and don’t notice any real, tangible benefit to your golf game or any other area of your life, just let me know and I’ll refund your full purchase price – even up to a full year!

    That’s right, take up to a full year before deciding if this works for you.  I don’t want your money if my system does not work for you.

    But I know it will if you simply follow the steps laid out in the materials.
    Listen, if nothing else, remember this: Golfing greatness is not born, it’s grown.  And it’s grown in the brain.
    Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t “talented” or “gifted” enough to play golf the way you’ve always wanted to.

    Brain scientists are coming to the exciting conclusion that innate talent is vastly overrated, and may even be irrelevant.

    If you look up the life stories of Tiger Woods and Mozart, for example, you’ll see they weren’t born as prodigies as many believe.  They simply began practicing at young ages and trained their brains with repetitive focus that grew the same billions of neural connections we all have.

    My program not only does just that, it accelerates that process, meaning you’ll master previously difficult golfing shots with surprising ease.

    I urge you to stop accepting your current skill level and reach for more.

    P.S.  Imagine hearing, “Heyyyy, when did you learn to play like THAT!” after hitting a straight and true putt or ripping that killer tee shot with jaw-dropping style and power.  That’s what you’ll get when you follow the simple steps of my program.

    P.P.S.  Order now and take advantage of my Better-Than-100% Guarantee and make this the year you finally make your golf dreams come true!
    Grab Your Copy of the Whole Brain Golfer Bundle
    Now For Only $67 - LIMITED TIME!
    365-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
    Secure payments through paypal...
    P.S. - I want you to know that I'll do whatever it takes you help you.  Once you order the course, you'll be given direct access to me for questions and support. 
    Whole Brain Golfer Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved